Improve Your Chances at Networking Events
Networking events are a challenging place to find new prospects, too often and for all the conversations you have they can feel an enormous waste of time. But, there are ways to greatly improve the returns on your time and effort…
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1/3 – Getting the Most out of Networking Events
Attending a network event: talk to as many strangers as you can, hearing pretty much as many sales pitches before ultimately leaving disheartened with a pocket of business cards that aren’t really worth the time or processing. or sometimes you get lucky and someone desperate for your service walks up and introduces themselves.
Here Mike will explain how you can boost that luck, make more of those business cards and generally make these events much more worth your while.
2/3 – Starting the Conversation
The initial introduction with someone at a networking event is the most important part of your conversation. It can save you huge amounts of time and effort to get right as well as set the ground to elegantly introduce your key offerings.
3/3 – The 6 Steps of Conversation
Preparations complete, you’ve started conversations with someone you believe may be of value and they’ve engaged back. What do you do next?