Flair Growth Kick-starter
A proven way to deliver alignment, agreement and a road map for growth
From time to time we all run up against growth challenges for our business; things like:-
- Revenues aren’t growing as fast as you’d like.
- Revenues are fine but profits are not – your margins are being squeezed.
- You’re not winning enough new clients or losing too many to the competition.
- The type of work you’re winning isn’t ideal.
- Your senior team aren’t aligned towards your key business objectives.
- You just don’t feel in total control of your growth.
You may also have tried a few remedial initiatives but they just didn’t deliver the results you wanted.
If you’re now wondering how you can overcome your growth challenges and move closer to your key business objective then the Flair Growth Kick-starter could be the way forward for you.
How Does The Flair Growth Kick-starter Work?
It’s a short and very focused initiative designed to deliver three things:
- Alignment: of your senior team towards your business goals.
- Agreement: of what your most prominent obstacles to business growth are.
- Report: a roadmap containing a selection of remedial actions to overcome your obstacles and reach your business goals.
The Flair Growth Kick-starter is made up of three stages:
Stage 1: Discovery
We invite all the key stakeholders in the growth of your business to complete an online questionnaire which covers the key components of your organisation’s business growth capability.
Each person completes the questionnaire in complete confidence so they can be absolutely candid in their answers. When we combine their responses we can build an accurate picture of your business growth capability with all it’s strengths and weaknesses.
It also enables us to construct an agenda for the next stage in the initiative: the workshop.
Stage 2: Workshop
This is a whole day dedicated to delivering the alignment, agreement and roadmap which are the deliverables from this initiative.
Working with our sponsors, and the stakeholders, we make it an inclusive and enjoyable experience. It is a mixture of discussion, exploration and the introduction of new tools, techniques and technologies.
Our role is to ensure the agenda is followed and the desired outcome achieved. We also use our extensive business growth knowledge and experience to “short-cut the learning curve” and so identify proven ways to overcome your business growth challenges in less time.
Stage 3: Report
The final outcome from the initiative is a report which documents your business objectives; specifies your business challenges and contains a road map of initiatives to move your business forward.
This is a full-on experience that can produce some outstanding results but after the day you may have some additional questions so we also include a 4-week telephone support service. We’re there if you need us!
How can I be sure I’m going to get value for money?
A short; sharp and practical initiative that delivers real answers and secures buy-in from your key stakeholders. Added to that they are most likely to emerge filled with enthusiasm and a desire to “crack on” with the necessary changes.
It sounds great and if you watch the testimonial videos below you can see how satisfied past user of the Flair Growth Kick-starter are, but will you get value for money from it?